The Alcorn Studio & Gallery



The Greatest Words to Live By

By Stephen Alcorn

- Featuring A Suite of Fifty-Two Polychrome Relief-Block Prints -

Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Simon & Schuster
New York
Ages 8 and Up.

Pub date: 9/15/09
ISBN 1-4169-6776-1

This book is a gift, a gift for every day.

The society in which we live has been and continues to be inspired by visionaries and heroes from all walks of life: activists and artists, athletes and writers, inventors and explorers, healers and politicians, musicians and moguls. Our world�s visionaries and heroes challenge assumptions, push boundaries, and inspire the ordinary to become extraordinary thereby shaping our world each and every day. Starting with January 1 and arranged by birth date, A Gift of Days highlights the words and ideas of three hundred and sixty six noteworthy figures--including Shakespeare and Steve Jobs, Jackie Robinson and Billie Jean King, Beethoven and Buzz Aldrin, Abraham Lincoln and Sojourner Truth, Mother Teresa and Oprah, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Ghandi�to motivate and inspire readers of all ages to become heroes and mentors ourselves, the kind of people who nurture and shape the very best of our culture and society. With resounding words of wisdom, a stunning selection of portraits, short informative biographies of the visionaries, A Gift of Days celebrates the society of which we�re all a part and reminds us that we each have the potential to change the world every day of the year.

"Beautifully designed and imaginatively conceptualized, this volume presents 366 days and 366 quotations from famous people, tagged to the days they were born. Alcorn lays this out on each double-page spread with a stunning polychrome-relief block-print bordered with pattern on one leaf and, facing, a week of birthdays and quotes. These images are often brilliantly inventive: Billie Holiday's camellia has a death's head in its center; John Lennon is figured as the King of Hearts with a Mozart overlay; Leonardo da Vinci is posed like the Mona Lisa... librarians, educators and historically minded kids will take much pleasure from looking up birthdays to see the associated wisdom from women and men across the ages: LL Cool J (Jan. 14), Mercator (March 5), Mia Hamm (March 17), Golda Meir (May 3), Barack Obama (Aug. 4), Cellini (Nov. 3), Emily Dickinson (Dec. 10). (Reference. 8-14)"

"Artist Stephen Alcorn offers a large-format book of quotations, one for each day of the year. A typical double-page spread features, one one side, a bordered ful-page portrait of a famous person with his or her name and a quotation. On the facing page are the names, dates, and occupations of seven people born on each of the dates mentioned, with a quote from each. The July 1-7 page, for example, includes the words of Lady Diana Spencer, Hermann hesse, Franz Kafka, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Chuck Close, Frida Kahlo, and Satchel Paige. Some of th equotes are inspirational, some apt, some amusing, and very few fall flat. Most impressive, though, are Alcorn's distinctive portraits, graphically strong prints that incorporate color with finesse. A date-by-date list of short biographical paragraphs is appended. Unlike dictionaries of quotations, this is no refrence book, but an opportunity for browsers to seek inspiration on their birth dates or search for names that are of interest."
--Carolyn Phelan

"Powerful quotations from 366 revered artists, writers, political figures and other visionaries mark every day of the calendar year along with striking block-print portraits (Elvis is shown with a burning sacred heart) in this elegantly packaged book. While the order of the quotations seems arbitrary--quotations from Allen Ginsberg, Socrates and Bill Moyers rub shoulders, while Julia Child is slotted next to Madonna--the result is an inspiring collage-like tribute to human potential. Brief biographies are listed in the back. Ages 8�up." (Sept.)



Virginia Woolf

Nina Simone

Queen Latifah


Malcom X

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Henry David Thoreau

Neil Armstrong

Grandma Moses

Mohandas Ghandi








52 relief-block portraits are interspersed within this book of days that not only marks birthdays of famous writers, scientists, artists, actors, inventors, leaders of all kinds, and much more, but includes an inspirational quote from each. The portraits won't be labeled by one style or another; while they are all clearly block prints, some are colorful and some are black and white, some are strong representations of a person�s face and others are more abstract, some are painterly and some more like drawing; some look ancient and some modern; many are literal portraits but some include other elements that honor the person. For example, Jesse Owens is pictured in a starting block position, with large wings coming off his back�beautiful. The artist/author offers us a window into the inspiration for the book which he traces to his art studies in Italy, the importance of the humanities stressed there, and his first viewing of a 15th century illustrated manuscript. As inspired by the people and places he is in his life, he hopes to pass on the inspiration of each "noble spirit" offered here.

Perhaps my favorite portrait and quote is that of Frida Kahlo; her strong features and finely decorated portrait are accompanied by her words, "Feet, what do I need for you when I have wings to fly?" Other examples of inspiring words:

"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." Sir Edmund Hillary

"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude." Colin Powell

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." Jimi Hendrix

"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it." Winston Churchill

The people and the quotes range across centuries, continents, races, professions, and more. The whole is handsomely put together with colorful borders and patterned backgrounds.

It is not quite accurate to call this a "children�s book." It is marketed as such, but is really a book for all ages, schools from pre-k through high school, and even adults with no children.

An excellent collection of wisdom and beauty.


September 23, 2009



November 16, 2009

A Gift of Days: The Greatest Words to Live By
by Stephen Alcorn
Simon & Schuster, 2009

I'm not sure this is a children's book, but I LOVE books of quotations and this one is unique and stunningly beautiful. Each of the 366 quotes is from a different famous person on their birthday. Those featured are "famous activists and artists, athletes and writers, inventors and explorers, healers and politicians, musicians and moguls." There is a full-page block print portrait of a famous person on every double-page spread, each one stylistically different and perfectly capturing the essence of the person featured. There is more information about each of the people whose quotes are featured in the back of the book.

Check out the Alcorn Studio & Gallery and you'll recognize many books that Alcorn has illustrated.

I'm thinking this will make a FABULOUS gift book...

-- Mary Lee


WORDS OF PRAISE FROM "The PlanetEsme Plan: The Best New Children's Books from Esme's Shelf"

January, 2010

A Gift of Days: The Greatest Words to Live By
by Stephen Alcorn
Simon & Schuster, 2009

This beautiful book is a list of birth dates, each day of the year followed by the name of a famous and accomplished person and a quote from that person. April 28, Harper Lee: "Before I live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide majority rule is a person's conscience." April 29, Duke Ellington: "A problem is a chance to do your best." February 24, Steve Jobs: "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." July 3, Franz Kafka: "A book should serve as the ax for the frozen sea within us." And today, January 14, L.L. Cool J: "I think when you move past the fear and go after your dreams wholeheartedly, you become free. Know what I'm saying? Move past the fear." With such a breadth of personalities represented, naturally, some will be more to an individual's taste than others, and some quips are more geared for young adults,. Even though the claim of "greatest" quotes may be subjective, with so much food for thought, an equally broad audience is likely to find something to either munch on or discuss. A gold foil cover, striking woodblock portraits and pages framed in subtle patterns are all gorgeous and well-designed. Brief biographical notes are included in the back of the book. What a wonderful opportunity to hear the voices of luminaries throughout history, encouraging and enlightening us today! A beautiful gift for special occasions and rites of passage, it's also a helpful resource for teachers looking for something snazzy to put on the board in the morning. (10 and up)

-- Esme
The PlanetEsme Plan: The Best New Children's Books from Esme's Shelf


December 20, 2009

Through The Looking Glass Children�s Book Review: An Online Children�s Book Review Journal
This is a book that readers will enjoy again and again

Many of us are inspired by the actions of people past and present. We wish we too could go to the moon like Neil Armstrong. We wonder at the courage of Florence Nightingale and Martin Luther King Jr. We wish we could invent something remarkable like Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell. Over the years, many of these famous people have shared their thoughts or feelings in letters, speeches, songs, poems, and other writings, and now, thanks to Stephen Alcorn, we can read their words too. For this remarkable book, Stephen Alcorn has put together a collection of 366 quotations. On the pages, readers will find the words of Virginia Woolf, Tom Hanks, Roald Dahl, Bono, Jane Goodall, and many others. The quotations are organized by the birth date of the person who is being quoted, and every double page spread includes one of Stephen Alcorn�s extraordinary woodcut pictures. The chosen quotes are empowering, moving, thought provoking, and even funny. For every day of the year the reader can enjoy the words of, among others, poets, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes, and writers.

With its gift of wonderful words, this is a book that readers will enjoy again and again. At the back of the book readers will find more information about the people who are quoted.

-- Through The Looking Glass Children�s Book Review


December 20, 2009

What a treasure trove of work- a life's work (5 stars)

I personally witnessed the unveiling of all 52 engravings on the floor in Stephen's studio last year when they were completed and about to be compiled into book form. What a treasure trove of work- a life's work. Stephen keeps the Art form of hand-cut engraving alive. The images found in this book bring me through the ages of my life recalling many of my personal Heros as they came to be my Heros. Picasso, Martin Luther King, Van Gogh, Virginia Wolf, Bob Dylan are a few of my faves. Stephen continues in the style inherited from his father John Alcorn, a visual magical mystical journey on the page with personal Artful symbols. The quotes from each notable person enhance the this encyclopedia of icons each month on their date of birth. I enjoyed reading the words from the Artist, Stephen, in the forward about his personal journey with imagery and how it came to fruition in Italy. This is a book to own and to give as a gift to any aged person for any occasion but especially for the start of the New Year. I thank you Stephen for this monumental compilation and special Artistic gift that you give to us."

-- Gretchen Kelly, Artist (Hudson, NY)


December 17, 2009

A Contemporary Book of Days (5 stars)

"The thrill of revelation went hand in hand with an appreciation of the roles of individuals in our lives. With this appreciation came the inspiring revelation that behind every beautiful song, aritcle, poem, book, painting and speech--every righteous stance taken in the face of social injustice--there was a noble spirit at work, abiding by his or her conscience and engaging in a heroic effort to change and improve the world we live in." -- From A Gift of Days When I first received this large, full-color book with the gilt-embossed dust jacket, I was impressed to say the least.

A Gift of Days is in the Book of Days genre. That is, every day of the year is listed and, accompanying that date, is a quote from a famous person. I admit to being surprised at the author's choice of people to profile...Madonna? Elvis? Mia Hamm? Bono? Derek Jeter? And among the likes of Albert Einstein, MLK Jr, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Dylan Thomas, Amelia Earhart, Beethoven....? But the I realized the spirit that author Stephen Alcorn (who also created the stunning block-paintings for this book) was trying to encapsulate: the soul longing to expand itself to the outline of its greatness. From a kid's point of view, I have to tell you: my 11-year old son LOVES this book. We've had it for months and I see him picking it up every once in awhile. And perhaps the best thing (next to his being exposed to great quotes)? He asks me who certain people are and then goes on to look them up or learn more about them! (I homeschool him). Thus, it's not only provides great quote and innovative art, but stirs up curiosity of both history and culture. Love it! And, after each name, the author provides date of birth and death and their occupation (e.g. author, filmmaker, poet, singer, explorer, educator, architect, etc.) And the date paired with each person is, of course, his/her birthday.

Here are but a few quotes found in A Gift of Days:

February 26, Johnny Cash: "You've got to know your limitations. I don't know what your limitations are. I found out what mine were when I was twelve. I found out that there weren't too many limitations, if I did it my way."

May 29, John F. Kennedy: "Conformity is the jailor of freedom and the enemy of growth."

July 6, Frida Kahlo: "Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?"

September 11, O. Henry: "Write what you like; there is no other rule."

October 28, Jonas Edward Salk: "It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up to me, like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely upon it. It's my partner."

December 4, Rainer Maria Rilke: "If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself; tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; because for the creator there is no povery and no poor, indiferent place."

December 5, Walt Disney: "A man should never neglect his family for business."

As you can see, some powerful stuff here. :o) I find myself inspired by this book, too, especially as a writer. I highly recommend A Gift of Days. Give it as a gift to a loved one...or yourself. It would make a great coffee table book, too.

-- Janet Boyer, author of Back in Time Tarot (Pennsylvania)


November 22, 2009

Absolutely awe-inspiring! (5 stars)

The moment I received A Gift of Days by Stephen Alcorn, I knew I had much more than just another pretty coffee table book! I was holding an artist's heart and soul in my hands. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the relief-block prints and inspired by the daily quotations. Many of my personal favorites are included: Jeanne d'Arc, Howard Carter, Lou Gehrig and John Lennon, among a myriad of others. I turned each page with great anticipation as to what I would discover and was absolutely delighted with what I found. With the holiday season upon us, I cannot think of a more precious gift to give to someone you truly care about. Stephen Alcorn's labor of love is a veritable masterpiece!

-- Leelin73 (Lewiston, NY)


November 21, 2009

Beautiful book with thoughtful selections. (4 stars)

This is a beautifully-illustrated book with an eclectic and interesting selection of quotations that are juxtaposed in thought-provoking ways. Alcorn has compiled an amazing range of figures from whose words he wishes readers to learn, and the real treasure here is the collection of his amazing art.

-- JW


October 27, 2009

Totally inspiring. (5 stars)

This book provides something to think about on every page. Its stunning illustrations and lovely design showcase the thoughts and ideas of the personalities presented. It's hard to put it down, and easy to pick up and browse.

-- Wendy Palitz Robbins (Leesburg, VA)


October 5, 2009

Timeless, Ageless, Flawless. (5 stars)

Stephen Alcorn's latest book is a collaboration between the printmaker and history itself. What discerns one book of quotations from another is the selection; either by subject or, as seen here, by speakers. What makes this collection quite unique is that the speakers have been chosen not for their ethnicity, gender, or profession, but for their ability to inspire an artist such as Alcorn to set his carving knife in motion. As a writer who often takes a notepad to museums and scrawls rapidly between paintings, it's interesting to see a printmaker prove that a word is worth a thousand colors. With each portrait reflecting both thought and thinker, the original art almost outshines the quotations. Lennon and McCartney are the Kings of Hearts. James Baldwin stares through eyes like caves. Ray Charles is a fountain of sweat. Nina Simone's scratched cheeks are the treasure chest where her voice is kept. Billie Holiday's portrait is an exact replica of her famous wailing profile but for a tear on her cheek and a skull in her hair. Sometimes, that's all there is between mediocrity and mastery.

Everyone from Michelangelo to Madonna is here, making the readers swim through the classical and the contemporary. For this reason, it is an excellent primer for kids, and Alcorn is a seasoned guide for children in the worlds of art and history. (See I, TOO, SING AMERICA and THE BOOK OF ROCKSTARS.) However, there is no way an adult could dismiss an image of Karl Marx emanating from a smoke stack or the line "...what is done in love is done well" as juvenile.

Many have noted that the book is difficult to categorize and indeed, what it does best of all, simply by example, is question so many of our modern assumptions about art and the arts. Who says Shakespeare fans don't listen to Johnny Cash? Why do we so rarely see women represented this well in history books? And when did illustration get restricted to children's literature, no matter how masterful? As Queen Latifah and Gandhi and the other beaming subjects know, "hard to categorize" is a quality necessary for brilliance.

--Emilia S. Sanford (Berlin, Germany)


October 23, 2009

A BEAUTIFUL coffee table book. (5 stars)

I received this book via the Amazon Vine program. I received the hardcover version, and it is truly beautiful! It is classified for "ages 8 and up" - I take this to mean that if you own this book inspiration could strike at any age. The contents of this book are quotes from famous people throughout history and they are arranged by month and date, one quote for every day of the year. From the chronological listing at the back of the book, I have found that the dates coincide with the quoted person by their birthdate. Each page spread has a full-size color illustration of a famous person. On some pages that illustration corresponds to the first quote of the page. On others the quote is nestled further down on the page. Deep, saturated colors emanate from each relief-block printmaking styled illustration. The bottom edge of each page is colored to indicate which month you are looking at. The author has included 366 individuals which range from artists to musicians to politicians to business-people, throughout the annals of history, both male and female. (Current era quotes include Mia Hamm, Queen Latifah and Steve Jobs!) At the back of the book there is a chronological "bio" listing of the persons quoted, AND an alphabetical listing (which refers back to the chronological listing as well). The author has certainly done his homework! A job well done. I highly recommend this book for whomever likes beautiful illustrations and moving words of inspiration. I can think of a few people who may be receiving this for their birthday.

--By kre8iv1 (Flemington, NJ)


October 26, 2009

(5 stars)

I especially enjoyed this book. It contains quotations on every imaginable topic stemming from nearly every country and moment in history. What distinguishes the book, however, are the illustrations. I find the images simply fabulous. The style is a creative mix of abstract and realistic elements, and while one picture differs greatly from the next, the artistic style is in fact the common thread binding the book together. I've never seen this sort of style before but it renders the images the highlight of the book. And I do not, by the way, believe this is a children's book. I myself am already "some" years past the recommended age, and yet read the quotations and gape at the pictures over and over again with delight.

-- Folke Lehr (Berlin, Germany)


October 27, 2009

An Inspiring homage. (5 stars)

Stephen Alcorn is an artist of great talent and thoughtfulness who is unafraid to pay homage to those who have influenced him. This work is both a celebration and a token of his thanks to artists, writers, musicians and heroes from all walks of life who have shaped his world. Quotes and biographies of great thinkers, writers, etc. are paired with Alcorn's unique, sometimes uplifting, sometimes haunting portraits. There is a simple, earthy quality to Alcorn's work, due largely, one would imagine, to the practicalities of the medium of print-making. However, beneath the tranquil, folksy surface there are layers of inspiration, allusion and painstakingly thought-out detail, making them rich, textured, highly symbolic images. The result is art that unfolds the more you look at it, art you can have a conversation with, much like the transaction between Alcorn and the visionaries he depicts in the pages of this book. Given the diversity of the heroes portrayed in this book, I think it would be a great addition to a school, library or personal collection. There is a hero here for everyone, as Alcorn's passion for his subject shines through in his beautiful illustrations.

-- K. Lamb (York, UK)


October 23, 2009

This book creates for the reader a beautiful tapestry of human experience that transcends time and space.
(5 stars)

A Gift of Days by Stephen Alcorn As a Professor of Sociology teaching Cultural Diversity in American Society I often find myself distressed by the power of social constructs to divide humanity. As I consider the power of our socially and culturally constructed realities to imprison humans into a singular world view I often feel little hope for the future of our species. That is, we humans are shaped by social forces beyond our control and we seem increasingly unable to perceive the world from perspectives other than our own. We are not only shaped by our historical location (Karl Mannheim) we are also divided by it. Students today are often unaware that different periods in history produced humans who were motivated by different attitudes, beliefs, values, expectations and world views. They often lack the context to consider the views of humans at different points in history in a historically relativistic manner and therefore use their own socially constructed reality as a barometer by which to evaluate others.

Humans are also shaped by their social locations (Mannheim.) Often our occupational roles provide a singular lens through which we evaluate the world. The same is true for our roles as mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. Karl Mannheim�s The Sociology of Knowledge also points out that our particular age cohort experiences provides us with yet another component of our world view. Those who share a cohort experience with others tend to understand events such as the assassination of Martin Luthor King or the Great Depression in a way that those who are not members of the particular age cohort can only understand on an intellectual level because they lack the emotional depth that comes from the real life experience of living through these events.

Consider that we are further shaped by our culture, ethnicity, religion, national citizenship, race, gender, sexual orientation and familial and community influence. Those of us who seek a culturally pluralistic society where there is mutual respect between individuals and groups and where difference is celebrated as a source of strength are often discouraged by the way these differences are used to divide our species. In the past these divisions resulted in wars between countries or groups. Today these divisions have the potential to destroy the planet. More discouraging is the notion that there are individuals who use difference to divide us. In an age of talk radio, religious and political zealotry it is so easy for us to become a species at war with itself and forget that we are bound together by a common humanity that has the potential to achieve utopian heights if we work together.

It is for these reasons that I consider Stephen Alcorn's A Gift of Days as truly a gift from Mr. Alcorn to his readers. This book creates for the reader a beautiful tapestry of human experience that transcends time and space. The book offers children and adults the chance to celebrate each day of the year through contemplation of both words and images. Educators have come to see in the last few decades that individuals approach learning differently. Some of us are more oriented to the visual while others benefit more from contemplating the written word. Further, it has been shown that we process information differently when contemplating words as opposed to pictures. As the late Neil Postman pointed out: "words and pictures are different universes of discourse... a picture may indeed be worth a thousand words, but it is in no sense the equivalent of one thousand words, or one hundred, or two hundred..." (Postman.) The educational value of Alcorn�s A Gift of Days is that the author offers the reader both approaches. That is, together and separately the beautifully crafted images and the carefully selected quotations find their way into the reader�s consciousness through different paths in the brain making for a wholesome and comprehensive learning experience.

The educational value of A Gift of Days is further enhanced by Mr. Alcorn�s pedagogical skills. Stephen Alcorn, a recognized educator in his own right, knows the value of humility and respect as integral to the process of teaching and learning. Rather than pushing a personal agenda on his readers, Mr. Alcorn is more concerned with teaching us how to think as opposed to what to think. Each carefully crafted image contains symbolic nuances that encourage readers to see beyond the simple portrait to a more far reaching representation of the subject�s individual humanity. Both historical and contemporary figures are presented as much more than one dimensional beings as they are often depicted in other forms of mass media. They are presented as complex individuals with human emotion structured into their expressions. The sweat created flood pouring from Ray Charles, the twinkle in Karl Marx's eye, or the representation of Walt Disney's inner Mickey Mouse (or, is it Mickey's inner Walt?) all provide the reader with new ways to think about these individuals, their inner realities and the social world they inhabited in new ways.

This wonderful book defies easy classification. Icons from the entire political spectrum are featured making the Book apolitical in nature. To those that would find any agenda here I would urge them to read the Book again. A Gift of Days is not educational or written for leisure reading. It is both. It is more as it combines the joy of a light read with the pleasure of deep contemplative reflection. And, while A Gift of Days is neither spiritual nor secular, one can achieve that moment of oneness with the universe by absorbing the sense of the "moment" represented by this work. For the brief moment of time that we contemplate each day�s gift, we are offered a chance to transcend place, time, space, the limitations of our own egos or world view and experience what Philosopher�s have referred to as the "oceanic" feeling where we are at one with the universe... there is no me or you or Ray Charles or Shakespeare. There is just being. This book is a celebration of all that is human, all that is life and all that is. It is truly a "gift" from the archives of Stephen Alcorn�s soul to his readers. Taking the time to read this book will result in a subtle transformation of the spirit that has moved this reader from a sense of despair for the human species to a more hopeful and celebratory view of human history, human accomplishment and hope for the species and the planet. Thank you Stephen Alcorn.

--Daniel Polak, Professor


October 23, 2009

Beautiful and inspiring book of days for children and YA (5 stars)

"A Gift of Days: The Greatest Words to Live By" is an inspiring collection of words and ideas of 366 famous people from all walks of life, and different periods in history. The book itself is arranged by birth date, and some of the notable personalities quoted in this book are St Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Harper Lee, Jesse Owens, Pele, Pablo Picasso, and many others. This is an oversized book in hardcover, and it would make a great gift for elementary school children and/or young adults. Every other page has a gorgeous portrait of a famous personality by artist Stephen Alcorn who also compiled this collection of sayings. At the end of the book there is a short biography of every person quoted (according to the birthdate and month), and an index. This is an inspiring keepsake that will serve to inspire and motivate youngsters and adults alike.

--Z. Hayes (Piano, Texas)


October 29, 2009

Perfect for my Classroom. (5 stars)

I teach special education in a public high school. Each morning I write the quote for the day on the board and have the students copy it into their journals. We then talk about who the person was that made the quote, what the quote means to that person and what it means to each of us. The quotes are from a huge array of famous people both living and dead. Everyone from Mother Theresa to Madonna are cited. The artwork is beautiful and the quotes are well-selected and meaningful. I have thoroughly enjoyed using this book and my students have responded favorably. They have been exposed to many famous and well-spoken individuals, which has led to many great discussions and encouraged deeper thinking. I recommend A GIFT OF DAYS to all classroom teachers.

--Stephen James (Washington State)


October 29, 2009

Beautiful, Inspiring and Fun. (5 stars)

This is a lovely and thought-filled book, a great gift for those who appreciate fine art and "thought of the day" inspiration.

Mr. Alcorn, a noted illustrator, has complied a collection of quotes from notable figures. His selection of quotes is adept and reveals the essence of the subjects quoted. Mr. Alcorn has organized these quotes by birth date, which adds an element of fun to the enrichment. Friends and family greatly enjoy finding their birthdays, discovering which notable figure is born on the same day and then reading the selected quote. Of course there is some disgruntlement, my daughter would very much liked to have shared a birthday with J.R.R. Tolkien instead of Oprah. (I can't really see the complaint myself.)

The illustrations in this book are Mr. Alcorn's work and they are wonderful. His medium is relief-block printing and the 52 portraits featured here are vibrant and interesting.

The Illustrator's Note which opens the book is nicely done, explaining the author's background and inspirations and the short biographical snippets ending the book are a very nice touch. Many a child knows exactly who LL Cool J is, but is unaware of the importance of Langston Hughes. (And, of course, it is exactly the reverse for some of the elders.)

Bravo Mr. Alcorn, this is an accomplished endeavor.

--C. Klassen (New Jersey, USA)


September 28, 2009

Good addition to school libraries. (5 stars)

This is a beautifully illustrated book with a quote for every day. The daily quotes are by someone - mostly in the arts, literature, science, world leader - whose birthday it is. The book also contains a short biography of each person quoted at the end of the book. Of course, in my office, everyone had to look up his or her birthday quote. All were inspirational. I believe this would be a great addition to a school library or on a homeschool's bookshelf.

--Bookaddict (Midwest)


October 14, 2009

Inspiring. (5 stars)

I really enjoyed this book. It is a perfect gift or coffee table book. Something you can give someone to warm their heart. It contains so many inspiring quotes that can brighten a person's day or make them think about things in a new way. It is simple and I like that.

--Kimberly Wilson (Loveland, CO)


September 30, 2009

Inspiration is everywhere to be found. (5 stars)

Stephen Alcorn, the artist behind many of the illustrations and the compiler of 366 quotations, one for each day given by a celebrity who shares a birthday that day, shares this thought with us in the intro. In this collection are quotes from Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, Blessed Mother Theresa (now Saint), John Paul II, John Lennon,Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln and over 300 more. He is also a gifted artist with his unique and colorful paintings of at least 52 of these. There is also an index and an overview of the lives of those he has taken quotes from. This is a good way to teach your children wisdom and inspiration.



October 3, 2009

Simply, a great book... (5 stars)

Think a book of quotations can be boring? Think again. "A Gift of Days" is a stunning new work by Stephen Alcorn.

Picking 366 quotes by famous, inspirational leaders couldn't have been an easy task; making it relevant for the intended audience, children, even more challenging. However, Alcorn does it through two ways.

First, the illustrations are stunning in their color and beauty. I was immediately transfixed on the bright, eye popping colors on the pages. Each pages contains a series of quotes by famous people, organized by their birthdays, and on each two page section, one quote is enlarged with a stunning picture of the person. For example, the quote on October 2 was Gandhi's famous quote: "An eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind." The illustrations take on a modernist style with the colorful representations of the people (The Walt Whitman picture was amazing).

Second, he picks a wide variety of people, from Lily Tomlin to Elvis Presley to J.K. Rowling, to feature some of their most famous quotes. The variety of people will immediately reach more kids, than the usual typical parade of Americans that feature in books such as these.

As a teacher, I would use "The Gift of Days" in my classroom, writing down the inspiration quotes on a dry erase board, perhaps leading the kids into discussing some of the quotes and how they would apply to their lives. It would also lead into a study of these people, and how they might have reach the conclusion of their quote. The possibilities are endless!

--James Hiller (Beaverton, OR)


October 19, 2009


This is a wonderful book. The book has a quote from a famous person on their birthday for each day of the year. The book also has artist renditions of select people. In the back there is a small biography of each person as well as an alphabetical list of all the people within the book. The famous people in the book are from all walks of life from Politicians to Actors to Musicians to Poets and others.I very much recommend this book

--Joyce Andrea Sperling (Los Angeles, CA)


October 3, 2009

I love this book! (5 stars)

This is a great, quick "daily read" for me to share with my kids (ages 5 and 10). The quotes are encouraging, and promote values such as honesty and putting effort into just causes. The language is simple and clear. Great addition to our library.

--avid reader


September 29, 2009


This book is sweet. It has a quote for every day from our great thinkers, presidents, sports legends, newscasters and so on. They are mostly inspiring with a few being silly. It is a great way to introduce quotes and the power words have long after you've said them to your children. My almost 7 daughter was interested for a few minutes and that's what makes this book great. If I can get her to read one inspiring or brilliant quote per day, why not. It also introduces children and us to a multitude of different people from ee cummings to Walter Cronkite and some of the very well known such as Martin Luther King Jr. All in all a great find. Yes you can find these quotes elsewhere but it's nice having this nice compilation to fall into.

--Angie "nycpickymom" (NYC)


October 5, 2009

Beautiful book, beautiful gift for all ages. (5 stars)

I love to be surprised, and this book surprised me. Listed under "Juvenile Non-Fiction" I expected it to be far less artsy and with less intellectual quotes than what I found. This is a beautiful book, which begins on January 1 and has a quote for each day of the week, and a beautiful illustration (reminiscent of wood cuts) on every page of one of the quoted authors. Authors of the quotes range from poets and authors of long ago, to well known celebrities and sports figures of today. This would make an excellent gift for junior high or high school graduations, college graduations, and for anyone of any age who loves learning from the wisdom of others. I highly recommend this book.

--Dana G. (Texas, United States)


October 19, 2009

A lovely way to share history and learning with your kids. (5 stars)

This book appeals to me because I am a designer. The author, Stephen Alcorn, applied his background as a student of Italian art school into the illustrations of this book, and it is lovely.

When I first flipped through the book, it immediately occurred to me that this is a book for kids. This is a neat way to introduce your children to 366 icons of our society. It is a book of days format, something that Mr. Alcorn grew fond of in his Italian education. Each day of the year there is a different person's quote. One could read the quote with their children, and ask, "who is Alvin Ailey Jr. anyway?" And you could dig deep, which is easily done by looking on the internet. As a parent, I am marveling at how I am re-learning so many things now that my oldest is in 3rd grade. Re-learning about so many things and people that I sort of forgot about, but never meant to.

This is a wonderful gift book, coffee table book, that sort of book. I admire the artistry and style of the book, it is very interesting to look at. Anyone would be interested to look up their birth-date and see what quote and person is highlighted for that day.

--Joyce Andrea Sperling (Los Angeles, CA)


This book is dedicated to the memory of Fabrizio de Andr�, cantastorie extraordinaire.
(February 18, 1940 - January 11, 1999)

"Fabrizio Araldico"


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